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Fundo de Animação Solidária

Connecting talent to purpose​

Stop motion animation is a fascinating and highly creative art form, but for aspiring animators, builders, and set designers in Brazil and around the world, finding their first job in the field can be a challenging journey. There are several reasons why beginners face significant difficulties at the beginning of their careers in stop motion animation.


1. Lack of Starting Opportunities: One of the biggest barriers is the scarcity of opportunities for beginners. The industry often prefers experienced people, which leaves newcomers with few entry points to showcase their talent.


2. High Production Cost: Stop motion animation requires significant resources, from creating sets and puppets to camera and lighting equipment. This makes it difficult for beginners to compete on equal terms.


3. Lack of Recognition: Many newbies face a lack of recognition in their search for opportunities. Having a limited or non-existent portfolio makes it difficult to demonstrate skills to potential employers or clients. ​

Furthermore, the scarcity of stop motion productions in Brazil, compared to other types of animation, limits the options available to beginners. Fewer studios are dedicated to this art form, which results in an even tighter job offer. ​​

A Possible Solution: Creation of a Solidarity Animation Fund​

A possible solution to face these challenges and, at the same time, promote stop motion animation in Brazil is the creation of a fund dedicated to solidarity animation. This fund would work through an initiative in which a percentage (10%) of revenues from the sale of stop motion animation courses would be allocated to the production of animations for philanthropic entities. These productions would be carried out with the active participation of people new to the field, along with experienced professionals.​

Stop motion animation is a fascinating and highly creative art form, but for aspiring animators in Brazil, finding their first job in the field can be a challenging journey. There are several reasons why beginners face significant difficulties at the beginning of their careers in stop motion animation.


1. Lack of Starting Opportunities: One of the biggest barriers is the scarcity of opportunities for beginners. The industry often prefers experienced people, which leaves newcomers with few entry points to showcase their talent.


2. High Production Cost: Stop motion animation requires significant resources, from creating sets and puppets to camera and lighting equipment. This makes it difficult for beginners to compete on equal terms.


3. Lack of Recognition: Many newbies face a lack of recognition in their search for opportunities. Having a limited or non-existent portfolio makes it difficult to demonstrate skills to potential employers or clients.

Benefits of the Proposal:


1- Opportunities for Beginners: This initiative would open doors for beginners, allowing them to gain hands-on experience in a real production environment.


2 - Local Talent Development: Would increase the development of local talent, strengthening the stop motion animation industry in Brazil.


3 - Social Responsibility: The production of animations for philanthropic entities would meet the needs of the community, demonstrating the potential of animation for social causes.


4 - Promoting Art and Culture: By expanding the presence of stop motion animation in philanthropic contexts, art and culture would gain greater visibility and appreciation.


5 - Intergenerational Collaboration: Participation of experienced professionals alongside beginners would provide valuable learning opportunities and foster collaboration.


In summary, the creation of a solidarity animation fund can help overcome the difficulties faced by people new to stop motion animation in Brazil. At the same time, it strengthens the industry, promotes social responsibility and expands the impact of animation as a form of artistic and communicative expression. This initiative demonstrates that creativity can be a vehicle for positive change in society, connecting talent and purpose. ​​

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